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DX and AD
new value

New possibilities in advertising to effectively convey the products and services that customers want to experience. Create more effective ads with better quality and more adaptability to your target. Furthermore, it is possible to increase customer satisfaction by combining store DX and digital advertising!

Using QR code
create business value

Using QR code payment, we will combine the offline world and the online world. We aim to create a more convenient digitization and globalization environment by providing a one-stop service that includes new payment methods, business models, and consumer experiences.

vending machine
​ cashless

Modified existing vending machines to introduce contactless cashless payments. Provide a convenient and safe consumption experience and increase sales.

wallet function
​ diversification

In addition to the wallet function, we have a wealth of functions such as membership functions, marketing functions, and external tool linkage functions, and you can use the necessary functions from among them.

wallet app development
​speed introduction

No-code speed introduction. Since it can be created easily without programming, you can quickly introduce a wallet application in a short period of time.

​Customer Service

We provide prompt response and services that meet the needs of our customers. We respond flexibly to customer requests through telephone, email, and chat services.

Unprecedented Speed
​complete innovation

We will develop financial platforms around the world that will lead the future FinTech era. In addition to online payment and overseas remittance, we provide a wallet equipped with a multi-payment system that supports international brand credit cards.


Due to the corona crisis, the global economy is in a slump. Under such circumstances, we will steadily release services to the world, mainly in Asia and Japan, toward the future when corona is over.

We will innovate to change what has been "inconvenient" into "convenient".

Media Bank in numbers


terminal partner


​Number of vending machines introduced


monthly reach


Number of installation cities


Compatible payment methods

our company's


grow your business
​Would you like to accelerate?

We provide a digital wallet platform that allows you to create your own original wallet with no code.

With our platform, you can create your company's or shop's own wallet app and provide it to your customers without programming.

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